[BH4] Hear Ye

Derek Haines derek.haines at gmail.com
Sun May 10 13:02:36 CDT 2009

After assuming grand command of the Blue Hen Hash House Harriers'  
Scheduling Subcommittee, I commissioned a double-secret research group  
to develop new tactics for increasing consumptio-- .... participation  
in our monthly inebriatio-- ... festivities. After several well- 
intentioned but ultimately disappointing starts (the flour-lager pump,  
based on a Mark VI Flail-Away Penis Pump -- I may mention that rumors  
of my newly acquired 2 cm penis are TRUE! (disappointing for some, but  
for me an improvement!) -- and the attempt to get Toxic Waste elected  
Hash Harlot, under the notion of attracting more bees with honey), I  
am significantly stimulated to announce our first public release.  
Under the BHHHH Re-Emissioning Act, Title 18, Section 2423, I hereby  
announce our total piggybacking on somebody else's technological  
marvel: The BHHHHs have a twitter account, appropriately named Where  
Can I Get a Refund For This Damn Pum--... I mean, blueh4. Intent is to  
announce upcoming hashes, possibly about-to-start-hashes, and to try  
not to annoy people. Much. To participate, go to twitter, sign over  
your soul, and sign up for the @blueh4 twit.

Development backstory: Despite our best efforts to isolate Title 18  
with the Salt Lake scheme, he caught wind of our development efforts  
and insisted on forming his own research division out west. With over  
800 small and furry creatures slaving away in his bedroom, he realized  
that the east coast R&D outfit was a hoax and decided that if he  
couldn't join 'em, then beat it. Them. Beat Them. And It, at least for  
a little bit. After beating it for a bit, animal twittering ensued,  
and the rest is history.

Clitter on!

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